From our trainer Candace, in Dallas:

“The session with Jennifer and her son, Trenton, who is an 11-year old boy with Tourette’s Syndrome and anxiety, went extremely well! Our focus was on finding things that calmed down SDIT Priddy, as she was anxious to be in the pet store. We explored several products that may help, and the family also had some “homework” for Priddy, which included taking her EVERYWHERE for socialization. She seemed to be particularly affected by loud or strange sounds, so I instructed Jennifer on how to take baby steps to socialize Priddy without causing too much stress, thus avoiding potential negative outcomes that could arise from over-exposure to certain stimuli. We also had some trouble finding something that motivated Priddy for training, as food did not have a response most of the time. A report post training session found that Priddy made marked improvements just days after the session. Hard work and consistency can accomplish so much with dog training! The family is now ready for the next steps!”