Safe rescue of two purebred German Shepherds

Laurie would personally like to express her extreme gratitude to our trainer, Sue, who ensured the safe rescue of two purebred German Shepherds that were at risk of being euthanized at Animal Care Services. I had been contacted by the owners of the dogs who had them for awhile, and the owner, a Wounded Warrior, said they could no longer care for the dogs. I told him immediately that I would personally come and assess the dogs since they live in my area, and that since they knew so much already, we could place them with new Wounded Warriors or clients. Well, I called him back to find out when he would like to do the assessment, and he said he just got “fed up” one day and took them to ACS. I asked him for the ID numbers, and then posted to all our trainers to please see if these dogs could be saved. Thank you to Sue and everyone else that she coordinated with, these two dogs are now safely in foster homes!!! YAY SUE!!!