Amanda and SDiT Diezel

From trainer, Andrew, who is working with Amanda, who suffers from epilepsy and anxiety, and her SDIT, Diezel.

Andrew writes:

“Amanda, Diezel and I met at Petsmart and worked on the Public Access Test for practice. Diezel had some issues with focusing and remaining seated when strangers are around. Other than that, they are getting very close to passing! Amanda and Diezel are a great team – they really love each other, and Diezel is extremely attentive to Amanda.

We met again at Petsmart for the next session. We worked on obedience conditioning, and ran through the Public Access Test again for practice. We also discussed certain reorientation exercises that will help Diezel to utilize Amanda as good home base and enable him to focus better on his handler is these distraction-rich environments.”